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saic motor中文是什么意思

用"saic motor"造句"saic motor"怎么读"saic motor" in a sentence


  • 上汽股份


  • Nanjing auto ' s parent will also get a stake of just under 5 per cent in saic motor
    南京汽车的母公司将获得上海汽车略低于5 %的股份。
  • Saic motor said it would combine all nanjing auto ' s units with its own , but would continue to make full use of both brands and of the smaller company ' s mg operations in the uk
  • “ from the point of view of profitability ? . ? . ? . ? there will of course be some effect , but that will not be too big and will be temporary , ” said hu maoyuan , chairman of saic motor
    上海汽车董事长胡茂元表示: “从利润角度说… …当然会有一些影响,但影响不会太大,也将是暂时的。 ”
  • Company officials said the deal met government calls for consolidation in china ' s overcrowded motor industry and would give saic motor the scale to compete ? inter ? nationally
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